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Check Our Guidelines Before Submitting Your Article 

You never know, your article may be the reason for a cheer, a smile, an inspiration for someone, somewhere! 


Please submit your original work including articles, interviews, artwork, letters, photo stories, poems, stories, suggestions, etc., to the following email.  






Pensive eMagazine is a potpourri of various genres ranging from Films to Architecture, Arts to Wildlife & Nature, Short Stories to Books; which cover a plethora from articles, poetry, artwork and photography, infographics and cartoons. 


We believe it has a therapeutic effect on mind, body and spirit, as well as relationships, work, nature and the environment. We are planning to include interviews with change makers and thought leaders.


Please submit articles of up to 1200 words as MS Word documents and proofread them carefully before submission. Contributions will be reviewed for possible publication, and those articles selected may be edited for clarity, brevity and plagiarism. 


Contributions must be original works and not taken or paraphrased from other sources. For quotes or paraphrased excerpts, please cite the source with author, book title, and edition. 


Photographs, artwork and any other imagery are to be submitted as high-resolution files of 300 dpi or greater. If the photographs do not belong to you, we request you to either take permission from the original artist or cite the source of the image, its photographer and the website from which the image(s) have been taken. 



The decision on the selection of all material for the magazine is made by the editors, and articles are subject to editing in consultation with the author. By submitting your contribution, you agree to our terms of use to grant printing and publishing rights to Pensive eMagazine.


- Team Pensive

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